If there is a single organ-system in our beautiful human body that receives the most attention and the greatest amount of monetary investment in terms of commercial products, it is the skin! It is no-brainer to ask why. If you want to look gorgeously handsome and attractive, you gotta take good care of your skin and maintain its natural beauty, especially the facial area.
Now, I am not an expert at skin care. And most discreet yuppies really take good care of their skin well. So as a refresher, I would just like to enumerate some basic skin care tips and practices, some or all of which you might have already know of:
a. Keep your skin clean. The most basic that you can do to keep your skin healthy is to keep it clean. Dirt, oil, pollutant residues, germs, old dead skin and other materials in the environment can pile up on the skin surface. They can clog pores, cause acne, of infect pimples, and makes the skin look dull, old, and ugly. So it is a good practice to keep the skin clean for that ever fresh and young look.
Use a mild facial cleanser for this purpose. As much as possible, don’t use soap as this tends to strip away the skin’s natural oils that protects it from harmful microorganism and prevents it from drying.
b. Keep your skin moisturized. As what most dermatologists say, a skin that is dry is bound to itch and easily irritated. Dry skin looks dull and may even show scaling. Therefore, it is a wise practice to always keep the skin properly hydrated to keep its softness and youthful glow. An over the counter moisturizing facial cream would do the trick. Moisturize the skin in the morning and in the evening.
c. Don’t strip your skin of it natural protection. The skin is an excellent shield from many harmful elements in the environment. To mention a few, the melanin pigment it has helps shield out harmful UV rays from the sun while the fatty secretions it produces helps keep most harmful microorganisms away. The even possess its own self-sterilizing ability by its constant regular shedding, in addition to its fatty acid secretion, thus ridding itself of colonizing germs. As new skin is formed beneath, the old skin above is pushed, replaced and sloughed off.
Too much cleansing by using harsh soap or by too much scrubbing and excessive exfoliation strips the skin of it natural protection making it prone to harm. Therefore, try to avoid these things. As to products, I personally recommend mild moisturizing soap like Dove White. It has both the benefits of being mild while at the same it moisturizes.
d. Protect your skin from UV rays. Health-wise, we need the sun’s ultraviolet rays for our skin to manufacture Vit. D, which the body needs to keep our bones and teeth strong and healthy. However, too much of this invisible radiation can have deleterious effects on the skin. Aside from its skin-darkening effect, much UV exposure promotes skin aging making you look older, faster. Much worse, excessive sun exposure is a proven risk factor for developing skin cancer.
To protect your skin, use facial moisturizers/lotions with sunscreen protection when you go outdoors so you can stay protected from the harmful effects of too much UV exposure. Don’t have a false sense of security when it is cloudy or when you are in a shady area since UV rays can penetrate through.
If you are using skin exfoliants, then much more do you need to protect your skin.
FYI: It is safe to bathe in the sun at certain hours, which is before 8-9 am and after 3-4 pm. During these hours, the amount of UV radiation is considered to be within healthy low levels.
e. Exfoliate every once in a while. The most superficial layer of the skin is composed of dead cells. Normally, it is regularly shed off and replaced by the newer skin beneath. To keep yourself looking young, it is good practice to exfoliate your skin every once in a while to get rid of the old and expose the newer, younger skin for a younger, fresher look. One author even claims that proper skin exfoliation may rewind your looks by 15 years! J You may visit your dermatologist for this purpose or you may use over the counter exfoliant soaps, solutions, or creams. However, do so with care. It is always best to consult your doctor.
Hydroquinone / tretinoin-containing exfoliant products tend to cause skin darkening upon sun exposure. I personally use glycolic acid soap as an exfoliant.
Don’t exfoliate too much as this does more damage than good. And never forget to use a sunscreen protection while you are exfoliating.
f. Essential Health Habits
i. Eat healthy foods. This is an over-all health-maintenance practice that should be done not only to keep the skin in its best condition but the entire body as well. More vegetables, fruits, legumes, and other plant products, moderate lean meat, and less sweets and fatty, oily food stuff.
ii. Drink plenty of fluids. Our body is more than 70% water. Hence to keep it in tiptop shape, you got to meet it daily fluids requirement of at least 6-8 glasses of water per day. Minimize intake of other forms of fluids like carbonated drinks, coffee, tea, alcoholic beverages, etc. PLAIN WATER IS BEST.
iii. Adequate rest. Sleep at least 6-8 hours per day. The body repairs itself during sleep. Don’t deprive your body of its rejuvenation time.
iv. Exercise. Engage in 30-45 minutes of aerobic exercise at least 3-4x/week. Dude, it’s time to get that body up, flex some muscles, and breathe fresh air!
With a skin that is well taken care of, the next head-turner discreet yuppie could be YOU!
Naks… J
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